
產品名稱: 檸檬酸三鋰鹽四水合物
英文名: Lithium citrate tribasic tetrahydrate
CAS NO.: 6080-58-6
分子式: C6H7LiO7
分子量: 198.056582689285
產品品牌: targetmol
產品規格: 25mg
檸檬酸三鋰鹽四水合物抑制劑Lithium Citrate, the active component of Lithium, is a medicine used in the therapy of psychiatric disease. It has shown the effects of signaling pathways and metabolic in the brain based on the particular disease and clinical condition model. According to the reports, Lithium Citrate was used as a mood stabilizer when treating bipolar mood disorders (BD) and lower the risk of self-harm in BD patient. In addition, Lithium Citrate has been the choice drug in the therapy of acute manic episodes. Lithium Citrate also could dissolve uric acid crystals in urine achieved from patients with gout. Besides, Lithium Citrate have some dose-dependent side-effects. The the main side-effects of Lithium Citrate is the tendency to inhibit the prostatic acid phosphatase enzyme (PAP), which result in the accumulation of PAP.
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