
產品名稱: 吡噻硫酮
英文名: Oltipraz
CAS NO.: 64224-21-1
分子式: C8H6N2S3
分子量: 226.341637134552
產品品牌: targetmol
產品規格: 5mg
吡噻硫酮抑制劑Oltipraz is a synthetic dithiolethione with potential chemopreventive and anti-angiogenic properties. Oltipraz induces phase II detoxification enzymes, such as glutathione S transferase (GST) and NAD(P)H: quinone oxidoreductase 1 (NQO1). The induction of detoxification enzymes enhances the detoxification of certain cancer-causing agents, thereby enhancing their elimination and preventing carcinogen-induced DNA damages. Although the exact mechanism through which the anti-angiogenesis effect remains to be fully elucidated, oltipraz maybe able to modulate the expression of a number of angiogenic factors, thereby blocking the sustained and focal neovascularization in multiple tumor cell types.
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